Thursday, July 9, 2009

Delete pointer in c++?

class A{


class B: public A


protected :

A *a;




if(a !=NULL)

delete a;%26lt;------------ core dump here


void fun();


void B::fun()


a= new c[5];


class c:public B



How to delete pointer a?

destructor of all classes are virtual.

Delete pointer in c++?
You should first initialise pointers to null in constructor. If you don't do this pointer will not be NULL ( if(a!=NULL) ) it will be undefined. you will be trying to delete an undefined memory address.
Reply:first have a forward declaration of class c right at the top coz ven u r trying to allocate memory in b till data stage c is not known to compiler

second u can have a try block in fun() which allocates dyn mem

and a catch block which takes as a paramater of bad_alloc coz new ven fails throws a bad_alloc exception error

Other option is u need to overload the new operator so dat u tel lthe compiler that it can take an argument of class c type

survey monkey

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