Sunday, July 12, 2009

Binary tree programming in C++?

How can i make a binary tree (eg BST) using C++ pointer/reference method?

can you please give me some code.

I know that each node will have one box to store the item and two boxes to store the pointers to each of its siblings.

but i dont know how to code it... please help me.

Binary tree programming in C++?
This could be an example:

class node



node *m_left;

node *m_rigth;

//a property that holds some value i.e. int value;




*node get_left();

*node get_rigth();

void set_left(node * left_node);

void set_rigth(node * ritgth node);

int get_value();

void set_value(int value);


The members rigth and left node are of the same class node
Reply:There are plenty of educational institution that publish relevant materials in the internet, simply yahoo or google them.

Among what I found are:



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